Surge Protection in Irvine
Today, homes are in significant need of surge protection more so than ever before, and that is because they are equipped with so many electronics and appliances. At Waterson Electric, we understand that your home is an investment and so are your electronics, which is why our priority is the safety and surge prevention and protection of your home!
Many homeowners believe that their electronics and appliances can be protected from voltage surges simply by plugging their TV or computer into a power strip or simply installing a surge protective panel, but this is a myth! You need more than that to protect your investments, which is why Waterson Electric has been the leading provider in surge protection services in the Irvine area for years.
Don't count on power strips to safeguard your home and fragile electronics!
As many homeowners know, power surges can be scary and dangerous, and most believe that the culprits are lightning strikes. While it is true that lightning can cause power surges, 80% of electrical surges are generated by homeowners themselves and not from natural causes.
Wholehome surge protection doesn’t only protect your large appliances, it protects all the electronics in your home. Waterson Electric is proud to be involved with making your home safe and protecting your valuable investments!
We offer all three standard classifications of Surge Protective Device (SPD) types: Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3.
Get the peace of mind you deserve with professional electricians!
Our staff understands that the most reliable protection is a wholehome surge protection network and Waterson Electric offers a complete line of top-quality surge protection products for homes. We know that investing in surge protection for your home may seem costly, but it can help to avoid a nasty surprise if a surge occurs. We do all our homework first to guarantee that you won’t have to deal with the backlash of a power surge.
Contact Waterson Electric Today!
We use a twopronged approach for surge protection for the Irvine homes! Firstly, we install a wholehome suppressor to limit the large, dangerous power spikes and secondly, a plugin surge suppressor for the more vulnerable appliances and electronics. These approaches act in a similar way to pressurerelief valves. Normally, they are just there to allow electric currents to flow through them, however, when there is higherthannormal voltage the devices instantly divert excess voltage to the ground wire, limiting the potential for surges. Our team at Waterson Electric understands that wholehome surge protection can be pricey, which is why we strive to implement cost-effective techniques.
Call us is you are considering a wholehome surge protection approach and let us make your home safe from power surges! We can provide you with a quote, and we feel confident that you won’t be disappointed!